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Are We Really Connected? By Katrina Bazzoli

Jun 24, 2023

What does it really mean to be connected?

We are living in an age where we are most likely over-connected. By picking up our phones, we have access to every friend, celebrity, hot topic, and so much more. We can watch someone's life who we have never met but feel so connected to them by watching their life via social media. I love defining words so that we are all on the same page. There are plenty of definitions that pop up when I look up connected.

One definition says, "brought together or into contact so that a real link is established" and another definition says, "associated or related in some respect." When I read these definitions of the word that seems so simple, I can't help but think that one is what our lives as believers should emulate while the other is what we must pray and fight against. It is so easy in the world we live in today to be so connected to many but really connected to none. 'Associated or related… in some respect'.

This is what it sounds like when we're talking about our Facebook mutual friends or even acquaintances that we kind of know. We can live life kind of knowing people, and feel connected, yet not forming deep relationships with those around us. God made us for deep relationships. Not just associated or related but deep relationships. Scripture tells us in many places that we are not supposed to walk this life alone.

To reference a few, 'though many, we form one body (Romans 12:5)', 'the way we love one another will show others Jesus' (John 13:35), 'carry each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2). Listen, I get it. Relationships are messy. It is so much easier to associate yourself with some people on your own time and show them what you want them to see, and that can feel safe. But we often grow the most when we are in deep relationships with others.

 No offense, but your algorithms probably won't call you out lovingly in the way those walking closest can. Let's go to the other definition. "Brought together so that a real link is established." When I read this definition, I can't help but think of the Gospel. As sinners, we are able to be in the presence of God. Not a far-off, distant relationship, not a mutual friend, but in an intimate and authentic relationship (link) with the Father- because of what Jesus has done on the cross. I don't know about you, but without deep relationships with people, I would have never heard the gospel.

How will they believe in Him of whom they have not heard (Romans 10:14). Without deep relationships, I wouldn't continue to grow in my faith in the same way compared to if I only listened to sermons online.

What I am not saying is that social media can't be beneficial and useful for the body of Christ- but I am saying that it cannot be our main source of community. As we abide in Christ, walk alongside others in the body, bear each other burdens, laugh and cry together, and there will be moments that hurt. There will be moments where we may want to withdraw and disconnect because it's 'safe', but the Lord did not call us to have a Spirit of fear or timidity but He has given us a spirit of power and love (2 Timothy 1:7).

I'm praying that we don't allow the enemy to make us believe that we are safest when we are alone. Sis- don't go through this life distracted and associated- but form deep relationships that encourage you to love God more and share that love with others.

Katrina Bazzoli is a disciple, wife, mama, & writer. Since becoming a Christian in 2016, she has had a passion for sharing the Gospel in a way that is relatable and understandable to her generation. When Katrina isn't reading or writing, she thoroughly enjoys drinking a good cup of coffee, working out, and hanging out with friends to name a few. Katrina aspires to share the gospel authentically in whatever capacity the Lord provides for her.

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