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The Challenge of Loving Our Bodies By Kim Gomez

Sep 09, 2022

Loving our own bodies may sometimes be challenging, even for the most confident among us.

 But it’s a challenge worth accepting and a goal worth working towards.

“Love others in the same way you love yourself.” (Mark 12:31)

It's healthy to love yourself.

Ask yourself - What if I start to BELIEVE what God says about my body and what if I start to IGNORE what the world says I “should” look like?

What if I consider my body a gift?


I LOVE “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14

I APPRECIATE “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

I AM THANKFUL FOR “You are not your own, you were bought at a price.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I TAKE GOOD CARE OF “For we are God’s masterpiece.” Ephesians 2:10

I ENJOY “So God created man (& woman) in His own image.” Genesis 1:26-27

I PROTECT “The Spirit of God makes His permanent home in you.” 1 Corinthians 3:16

When it comes to our bodies, we often focus on the perceived “flaws” instead of seeing our own personal beauty.


How would you respond to these prompts?

1. I’m thankful my body allows me to…

2. I feel really comfortable in my own skin when…

3. I love my body because…

4. What do I need to feel strong, nourished and energized…

5. What’s one thing I can do every day to love and support my body…

Dear Sister, You are altogether beautiful, my darling, there is no flaw in you. Song of Songs 4:7

This article is from Four Square mentoring's 9-week spiritual fruit journal and is used with permission. Four Square Mentoring is a framework for ongoing and deep conversations, building relationships and strengthening women through connection, wisdom and guidance. This powerful 9-week journal provides a foundation for those conversations. You will explore your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being in light of scriptures based on the Fruit of the Spirit Are you ready for an increase in your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? Pick up your copy of this excellent journal!

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