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Purpose By Melissa Heerebout

Aug 05, 2022

Have you ever been in a season where your confidence is high, and you know and understand the direction that you’re heading?

Have you ever been in a season where your confidence is high, and you know and understand the direction that you’re heading? You are building and creating things for the future, and suddenly it feels like the rug is pulled out from underneath you. Maybe it’s a global pandemic, or perhaps it’s a job loss or a move across the country. I felt like that over this past year. In my previous role, I had an idea and a plan, and I knew the direction that I was taking my team. I felt confident and self-assured.

Then I left my job.

My husband and I felt called to move across the country to a new role, a new city, and house, and new friends. It was a whole lot of new.

It meant laying down what I felt passionate about for a season, and this sent me into a season of learning and growing and feeling entirely out of my depth. To be honest, at first, I was kind of annoyed at the new role I had to take.

I wanted to do what I wanted to do.

New Paragraph

Yet, learning how to serve in an area that I didn’t feel entirely equipped to lead in has led me to my knees in prayer; Has led me to seek out Jesus even more; Has led me to care deeply for people and understand in more profound ways how God is working.

This past year has humbled me.

Being an interim pastor for kids and youth has pushed me far beyond my comfort zone. Being outside of that safety net has deepened my relationship with Jesus and given me a new perspective on purpose and calling.

Having a perceived disruption in my plans has allowed me to see the next generation owning their faith. It’s been a wild ride this last year, and I’ve seen God show up again and again.

This last year has helped me explore my purpose and understand how to trust God even in the middle of a season where I feel like a fish out of water.

There will be seasons where you need to look at your immediate calling and the needs around you and step in to serve.It may not be glamorous, and it may not be your long-term calling.

But God can use you in profound ways if you allow your heart to be open, your hands to be used, and your prayers to be heard. Be a willing participant to serve right where you’re at.

Don’t wait for the perfect church. Don’t wait until you feel like it’s 100% the ideal opportunity because then you’ll miss out. You’ll miss out on the opportunities right in front of you and those who need you. We can be an answer to prayer for somebody. Sometimes we want to look too far into the future and miss out on what’s right in front of us.

Jump in and serve the local church. We need you.

A kid or teen in your church probably needs to hear your story.

Serve them.

Maybe there’s a young mom that needs to be encouraged.

Serve them.

Maybe there is a senior who needs to have their story heard.

Serve them.

Every day we can step into the purposes God has for us if we lift our heads, look around, and see how we can serve. We need you serving at the local church because God has given you a story.

Share it.

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Read The August 2022 Issue of Dear Sisters Here!
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