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Child Of God By Katie Nelson

Oct 09, 2022

It’s taken me a long time to confidently believe in God’s goodness.

There’s a song by the band Cain that says, “On my best day, I’m a child of God, on my worst day, I’m a child of God… I’m so blessed.” I’ve grown incredibly grateful that this is true. I have experienced extremely difficult days, and I’ve had some amazing days. Life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster taking sudden twists and turns - yanking you one direction and then suddenly spinning you the other way. One day you have your hands thrown in the air with carefree abandon, and the next, you’re hanging on for dear life. I became a Christian when I was 16, and as a young Christian, I had this overwhelming fear of being alone. I fell in love with the idea that God would write an amazing love story for me. Then, it wasn’t happening. I saw friends dating, getting engaged in college, and then getting married right after. I felt like God had forgotten me.

I know that’s not a life-or-death situation, but I’ve been disappointed in the face of some of those challenges. A few years into my faith journey, I remember praying and praying for God to heal someone, only to have them pass away days later. My trust and faith in God were shaken. I experienced a deep depression after that. Was God not as good as I thought? Even when I’ve doubted and questioned, He’s never let me go. There have been times when I’ve been hanging by a thread. I’ve ignored His guidance and went my own way more than I’d like to admit. But, His love and devotion are strong.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “This eternal everlasting God has become our Father, and the moment we realize that, everything tends to change. He is our Father, and He is always caring for us, He loves us with an everlasting love, He so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son into the world and to the Cross to die for our sins. That is our relationship to God and the moment we realize it, it transforms everything.”

I know that life isn’t going to get easier. There will always be ups and downs, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. But, I hope I will always rest in the fact that God is my Heavenly Father. The band Cain ends the song by singing, “It doesn’t matter about the rest. I’ve got you, Lord, hallelujah I’m blessed.” Sometimes I have to remind my heart of that truth, but it still stands. As a child of God, I’m so blessed. Thank you, Lord.

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